The shadows cling to all in this Medieval Fantasy world, even when the sun is high over head. The land of Roysa is a fictional world that is character driven,. Plenty of magic and as much adventure as you can create.
The land of Roysa is a fictional world where each race has a land of their own. Everyone is free to wander at will and find adventure everywhere. Not everyone you meet in your travels are have well intentions but that’s up to you to find out. Some places are safer then others to travel, depending how brave you are? There are mountains to climb, fields to cross. City’s and villages to explore, forests to thrive within and not all lakes are safe to swim. Taverns welcome every race in the world, so sit at the bar beside a demon or werewolf. Sometimes its hard to tell what race you will be drinking with that night. Some races are hunted and must live in secret,others flaunt their birth right openly. Magic thrives in this world.
All different levels of role playing experience are welcome here.
A 200 word count but let your muse have as much freedom as you want.
Easy application.
Plenty of supernatural creatures to chose from and loads of places to explore.
So come in where everyone has a shadow, even in the darkness.
This is a new site, come join where the adventure begins!